• 14 - 17 February 2026
  • ICC Sydney

Speaker and Content Expressions of Interest

Are you a retail industry leader, consultant or educator who has something to say?
Been in the industry for years and willing to mentor a newcomer with your trade secrets and retailing lessons?
Have an apetite to showcase your thought leadership to an engaged audience of discerning retailers, both digitally and at our events? 


If you are interested in delivering a presentation, workshop or case study with relevant learnings to share and educational insights that are closely aligned to our vision - either via our blog or at Retail Therapy during our event cycles - please submit your content expression of interest below:


  • a topic title
  • short description and the nature of your talk/article
  • details/short bio of the proposed speaker 
  • link to your website/LinkedIn

**Please note promotional or commercial sales presentations will NOT be accepted.**

We are looking for contributions that offer opinions and advice on topical industry trends, retail climate and how to build retail success; or case-studies and practical actionable takeaways from experts working in the retail industry - either wholesale, vendor or retailer. Promotion will be across our blog, newsletter and social channels where applicable, with credit to the author, links to relevant websites and social profiles. Content submitted must be original to the author and not re-purposed from existing.