Stand Guidelines & Inclusions

  • All walling, upright poles, fascia frames and all fascia signage are hired items, any damage to these items will be charged back to the exhibitor.
  • Under no circumstances may exhibitor nails, screws, bolts, glue, paint and double-sided adhesive tape and velcro any article or display to the stand wall(s) which may damage the wall(s). Any damage caused to panel(s) will be charged to the exhibitor.
  • If fascia board name is not required, please choose this option on the form. Advising this onsite, will incur extra cost.
  • If you have a shell scheme package, fascia signage is included. You will need to nominate your preferred trading name to be printed following the below restrictions: 
    • Maximum 30 characters can be used
    • Words such as company, limited, brothers, etc. will be abbreviated and no punctuation will be used
    • In order to allow visitors to find you, keep your preferred trading name consistent throughout printed Exhibitor Listing, online Exhibitor Listing and fascia signage

Knowing what to put where and all the do’s and dont's of building the perfect stand can be a bit daunting. Don’t worry, we have an easy to use guide for creating the best space for you to showcase your brand and engage with eager visitors.


  • As per contract


  • Corinthian walling (black carpet covered wall panels 2.4m high, 40mm thick)


  • 1m x 1m carpet tile flooring in charcoal.


  • Upper case lettering
  • Submit your preferred company name via the Expoconnect Portal - Task 8 in the Exhibitor Hub


  • 2x LED spotlights per 9sqm, if you decide to not have your fascia up, your lights will be go on the back wall at a ratio of 2 to 1 – for every two spotlights replaced exhibitors will receive one light on arm. 


  • Not included – this must be ordered through ExpoNet by completing the power form in th Expoconnect Portal – Task 8 in the Exhibitor Hub


  • As per contract


  • Polished aluminium framing 2.4m high
  • White melamine infill panels


  • 1m x 1m carpet tile flooring in charcoal.


  • Upper case lettering
  • Submit your preferred company name via the Expoconnect Portal - Task 8 in the Exhibitor Hub


  • 2x LED spotlights per 9sqm, if you decide to not have your fascia up, your lights will be go on the back wall at a ratio of 2 to 1 – for every two spotlights replaced exhibitors will receive one light on arm. 


  • Not included – this must be ordered through ExpoNet by completing the power form in th Expoconnect Portal – Task 8 in the Exhibitor Hub


  • As per contract


  • 2.5m high flush walling system inclusive of white seamless panels


  • 1m x 1m carpet tile flooring in charcoal.


  • Upper case lettering
  • Submit your preferred company name via the Expoconnect Portal - Task 8 in the Exhibitor Hub


  • 2x LED spotlights per 9sqm, if you decide to not have your fascia up, your lights will be go on the back wall at a ratio of 2 to 1 – for every two spotlights replaced exhibitors will receive one light on arm. 


  • Not included – this must be ordered through ExpoNet by completing the power form in th Expoconnect Portal – Task 8 in the Exhibitor Hub

  • 2m x 2m Booth + White Back Walling
  • Carpet Tiles
  • 1x LED Light on Arm
  • 1x Bar Table + 1x Bar Stool
  • 1x Power Point 
  • Printed Display as indicated in orange with a "1" in above image - please submit your artwork using button below. Specifications below: 
    • 970mm wide x 2360mm high
    • 300 dpi (high resolution – print ready quality) 
    • Accepted File Types: Jpeg, EPS or Ai a high-res photo 
  • Stand Inclusion (Accessory) - Please choose 1 of the following by using the button below 
    • Shelving
    • Rail (cloths rack style)
    • None

The term ‘Space only' refers to your contracted area comprising of only bare floor space. The dimensions and position of your stand will be marked out with tape to show the boundary of your stand. The exhibitor or a contractor will design and supply a custom made stand.

 Dimensions       As per contract
 Walling  Not included - must be provided by exhibitor
 Carpet  Venue flooring
 Signage  Not included - must be provided by exhibitor
 Lighting  Not included 
 Power  Not included


Important To Note:

  •  All ‘space only' structures must be approved by RX and you will be contacted (by [email protected]) at least four weeks prior to the start of the move-in. Construction onsite will not be permitted without prior approval.
  • Consider sustainability and the environment in the design planning.
  • Hire as many components as possible, furniture, AV, use modular build units, use digital or reusable signage, look at products that have a full life cycle and come from and can be recycled. Consider using local suppliers, products & labour to minimize the logistical impacts.
  • Consider accessibility in the design planning to allow for disabled access to the stand.

Exhibitor Standards & Code of Conduct

  • All stands must be fully staffed, operational and exhibits displayed to visitors during the open times of the exhibition.
  • The exhibitor may not undertake, or cause to be undertaken, any activity which, in the opinion of RX Global, is likely to cause any annoyance to visitors or other exhibitors. In particular, audio visual display equipment must be positioned and the sound level so adjusted as to comply with these requirements. The maximum permissible total sound level in any area of the show is 70dB (slow), measurable at a distance of 3m from the source of the sound using directional decibel meter.
  • All activities of exhibitors and their staff must be confined to the stand site allocated. No advertising or canvassing for business may take place elsewhere in the exhibition area, without prior approval from RX Global. 
  • Unless otherwise arranged with RX Global, all items that are required for exhibiting purposes must be delivered before the show opens or after the show closes each day.

All display material, furniture, seating and selling aids must be kept within the perimeter of your stand. This is a WH&S requirement.

Failure to comply with this regulation may result in your stand being closed down. This refers to product being displayed in the aisle ways but also refers to exhibitors selling from the aisle. This is not only a severe safety breach but can also be detrimental to your neighboring exhibitors who could be adversely affected. So please note you are unable to locate yourself and/or your staff in the aisle ways to sell.

An exhibition is a professional, business event. It is essential that exhibitors uphold a high level of professional conduct at all times during the exhibition. In the interest of fairness and respect to all exhibitors and visitors, RX Global requests the following Code of Conduct to be adhered to for the duration of the exhibition: 

  • Exhibitors must not use any surrounding aisle space to display product. This is a WH&S requirement.
  • Exhibitors must make themselves known when visiting another Exhibitor's stand and not enter without an invitation from the stand holder.
  • In the event an exhibitor is also a buyer, this must be disclosed to the stand holder.
  • At no time can an exhibitor remove material from another exhibitor's stand.
  • No photographs or video/filming are to be taken of stands or products. Exhibitors must respect the time, effort and expense taken on exhibits by their fellow exhibitors.
  • Noise levels: music, audio messages, pa system, etc on your stand must be at an acceptable level, which does not prevent your neighbouring from conducting business. The maximum permissible total sound level in any area of the show is 70dB (slow), measurable at a distance of 3m from the source of the sound using directional decibel meter.
  • Do not continue with business after the show hours. We need to ensure all visitors and exhibitors have vacated the premises to ensure general security of the exhibition. 

It is a requirement that all business is conducted on your stand.

  • Promotional staff are not allowed to walk the halls or give out any promotional material; they must remain on your stand at all times. 
  • Promotional staff must at all times conduct themselves in a professional manner and must be respectably dressed at all times.
  • Canvassing or soliciting for business by non-exhibitors or unauthorised personnel during the exhibition is strictly prohibited.
  • Promotions and stand sales must take place from the exhibiting company's space/ stand only. No hawker or pamphlet drop can be done outside of the contracted exhibiting space.
  • RX Global reserves the right to remove any exhibitor's promotional or sales staff found canvassing from the exhibition venue.

Any exhibitors in breach of the above Code of Conduct will be addressed by RX Global staff during the exhibition and asked to comply. Persistent refusal to adhere to the Code of Conduct may lead to the closing of an exhibitor's stand and/or the exhibitor not being permitted in future events organised by RX Global.

No exhibitor is allowed to sub-let or allocate space on their stand to another company without prior consent from RX Global.

Custom Stand Rules & Guidelines

If you are building or have appointed a contractor for the installation or dismantle of your space only stand you will need to complete the Reed Gift Fairs Sydney 2025 Stand Declaration form which will ask for a number of requirements needed for RX and the venue to approve your design. 

Stand designs must be submitted in conjunction with the RX Custom Stand Guidelines below. 

If anything else is required, you may be contacted through our stand plans email address: [email protected].

If you have a Space Only stand or plans to modify a shell scheme you need to ask RX for approval to use a Supplier/Contractor. A Supplier/Contractor is defined as any company (other than the official exhibition contractors) that an exhibitor wants to use inside the exhibition hall, before, during and after the show. 

  • All ‘Space Only' structures must be approved by RX at least four weeks prior to the start of the move-in. Construction onsite will not be permitted without prior approval (please see below on how to gain approval).
  • Please consider sustainability and the environment in the design planning.
  • Hire as many components as possible, furniture, av, use modular build units, use digital or reusable signage, look at products that have a full life cycle and come from and can be recycled. Consider using local suppliers, products & labour to minimize the logistical impacts
  • Please consider accessibility in the design planning to allow for disabled access to the stand.

  • Exhibitors must provide their own walls. No reliance can be placed on the surrounding stands providing your walls. You must not use the adjoining walls in any way if you stand is joined to another.
  • All space only stands must provide walling to a min 2.4m high and ensure the stand built is structurally sound.
  • Stand walls that sit on the aisle way must not exceed 6m in length and must have a minimum 3m break/gap for access to the stand to ensure safe traffic flow is maintained across the show. Walling along the perimeter of your stand is subject to approval by RX Operations to ensure line of sight and access is maintained; or the walls are required to sit 1m into the stand space and have the 1m depth between the stand boundary and the wall dressed in the exhibitors brands or products.
  • The dimensions and position of your stand will be marked out with tape to show the boundary of your stand. Do not build outside of this perimeter.
  • RX will not supply any signage for ‘Space Only' stands. Exhibitors are required to provide their own sign showing their stand number.

  • If your stand is over 2.4m in height:
    • The exhibitor behind you will then be notified by RX and if there are no issues the height of your stand will be approved.
    • It is your responsibility to dress the back of the stand in a clean black or white painted finish panel and at no time can there be attached signage looking over or intruding on other exhibitor’s stands. A minimum of 1 metre clearance from the rear or side neighbouring wall must be met for signage or banners sitting higher than 2.4m. 
  • Approval will not be granted to stands over 4m in height until a safe work statement (JSA) indicating the safe work practice of installation/dismantle is supplied and approved by the Venue and RX Operations Manager.
  • If your stand includes rigging (hanging banners); the bottom of the banner must be a minimum of 5 metres from the ground and at least 1 metre above the wall height and 1m from the boundary of adjoining stands. Rigging over aisles ways is not allowed unless prior approval form the RX Operations Manager (Rigging heights not applicable for GPCE Sydney and Life Instyle. Please refer to the specific stand design guidelines for that show).

  • Space only stands will be provided with bare concrete floor. All space only stands must provide a floor covering that meets event WHS requirements. If you do not wish to have flooring, please seek approval from RX Operations. To request carpet tiles, please contact the official stand build contractor.
  • Rugs, cane mats, vinyl or linoleum flooring, tread plate sheets, 5mm clip flooring and carpet tiles over existing carpet all need to have edges taped down to the existing carpeted surface. A 50mm heavy duty tape or gaffer type tape is advisable.
  • Access must be available for power supply to the distribution board located from the pit on some stands, this must be factored into the design of a stand with flooring of any type.

  • All raised floors, steps and ramps within exhibits are to comply with the relevant sections of the Building Code of Australia. Any raised floor sections must be clearly distinguishable from areas of the surrounding floor space.
  • All raised floors up to 115mm will require a suitable and clearly distinguishable ramp from the main exhibition floor. The ramp must be of a gradient no less than 1 to 3 and must be contained within the contracted stand space. Ramps cannot protrude into the nominated aisle way.
  • All raised floors with a height greater than 115mm but less than 190mm from the main exhibition floor level or surrounding platform will be regarded as a step. Although ramped edging is not required, the stand will require a ramp in accordance with the Building code of Australia for disabled access.
  • The raised floor sections or ramps must not contain sharp or dangerous edges and must not cause a trip hazard.


RX is committed to reducing the environmental impact of our events. We have established a Sustainability Working Group whose aim is to raise awareness of sustainability across our events and lower our carbon footprint.

To support us in our sustainability goals, below are some resources you can utilise in the planning of your stand:

We are also pleased to announce that RX Global has a number of sustainability initiatives.  Interested in sponsoring this initiative? Talk to our sales team today.