RX Australia Operations A-Z

For security reasons, exhibitors will not be permitted access to their stands outside the show move in/out hours unless arrangements have been made in writing with the organiser. A list of staff names and the daily hours that they will be on the stand, outside the advertised hours, must be supplied. Please contact the show Operations Manager if you have any concerns or special requirements. For Operations contact please see Event Info section of the Exhibitor Manual.

Our travel partner OzAcomm can provide you with booking options for your flights and accommodation if required – Please see Additional Services section of the Exhibitor Manual for more details.

All alcohol must be purchased from the venue as they hold the onsite liquor license*. Exhibitors will not be permitted to bring their own alcohol onsite. Alcohol cannot be consumed during move-in or move-out. 

All alcohol and Food Sampling must seek approval from Venue.

It is important to secure permission from RX and the venue if animals are part of your exhibit. In most cases an animal permit form will need to be completed – please contact a team member for further assistance.

AV equipment can be hired through our official stand builder. Please order via the top right button [My Tasks|Exhibitor Hub] or  see Official Contractor List in the Exhibitor Manual for contact details.

Helium balloons, confetti cannons or streamers are not permitted.

For events that allows banner rigging, please order via the top right button [My Tasks|Exhibitor Hub] section or see Official Contractor List in the Exhibitor Manual for contact details. 

Stand construction contractors must comply fully with all legal requirements that are relevant to their operations. This includes fall arrest equipment.

Please do not attach items/equipment to the walls or metal framework provided for your booth. Standing on chairs, tables and other rental furniture is PROHIBITED. This furniture is not engineered to support your standing weight. Only use purpose designed and built equipment, e.g. ladders, steps, etc. RX cannot be responsible for injuries, falls or damage caused by the improper use of this equipment.

Approved scaffolding or Australian Standard compliant ladders must be used during the construction of any building within the halls, safety features of the scaffolding must be provided as per laid down standards, and that any tower scaffold in use must be properly stabilised and propped.

A cancellation charge will apply to all companies cancelling after a contract has been signed. Cancellation charges will be calculated on due payments as stated per contract.

Canvassing or soliciting for business by non-exhibitors or unauthorised personnel during the event is strictly prohibited. If you see someone canvassing or soliciting business please contact Customer Service or security immediately.

Please see Venue and Surrounds section in Event Info of the Exhibitor Manual.

Children under 14 years of age are strictly not permitted to enter during Move-In and Move-Out. 

For B2B events, RX strongly recommends that visitors DO NOT bring prams or children under the age of 14 year to the exhibitions. If you still wish to do so, please complete the disclaimer located at the customer service desk. 

Cleaning of public areas (aisles, foyers and amenities) will be cleaned before opening of the event and scheduled during the event. 

All floor areas that are accessible will be vacuumed on the evening prior to the show opening. If a stand is closed off with material, the cleaners will not clean the floor. Cleaning within your stand space is the responsibility of each exhibitor. 

Exhibitors who are likely to have substantial quantities of waste material for removal, either during or at the end of each day, must inform RX in advance, to ensure that the necessary arrangements are made. Removal of excess waste material is at the exhibitor's expense.

During move out - any large items including; cabinets, stand build materials, flooring and shelving will incur an additional cost for disposal from the venue. If you are unsure about any of your rubbish, please ask a RX team member.

If you require cleaning on your stand during the event, please order this via the official contractor – please see this event’s official contractor list for details.

Space only stands with raised flooring will only be vacuumed on the evening prior to the show opening. If you require additional cleaning please order this via the official contractor.

Compressed air is available for some events through our official contractors, please see Hire & Services section. Please note that you will need to have a licensed plumber to connect these services, no discharge of any water and waste is permitted on the exhibition site under any circumstances. 

Please see section Key Dates and Times for Customer Service Desk hours and exhibitor access times.

Exhibitors using a freight service other than our official contractor will need to ensure couriers are instructed as per details below:

  • Couriers will need to supply the loading dock marshal with your company name and stand number
  • Deliveries WILL NOT be accepted before official move-in date OR during show hours
  • Exhibitor deliveries must be arranged for a time when YOU WILL BE ON-SITE. If you are unable to be onsite to receive your delivery you will need to instruct the courier company to deliver WITHOUT A SIGNATURE to the Service Desk or direct to your stand.
  • RX/Venue/Freight company will accept deliveries but WILL NOT SIGN FOR or accept responsibility for loss or damage of your goods.
  • Delivery labels can be downloaded in the Operations section of this manual. Please use one label per item/box delivered.  RX will under no circumstances be accountable for or accept deliveries on behalf of exhibitors.

Motor vehicles or other mechanical appliances displayed within the exhibition areas must contain 80% - 100% of a full tank of fuel. They must be totally free of any leaks and the keys are to be handed to the Operations Manager. 

Electrical vehicles that are on display need to arrive fully charged. Please note there is no charging facilities onsite at the MCEC. 

All demonstrations must be carried out in accordance with the Workplace Health and Safety Legislation. Any demonstration is subject to approval from RX and the Venue. If you are planning on using any of the following, written notification is required: filtration, open flames, snow machines, lasers, smoke machines, running of combustion engines, flammable substances, welding, cutting equipment, drilling or grinding, dangerous, explosive or noxious substances.

Details we require are:

  • A description of what is being demonstrated, length and frequency of demonstration 
  • MSDS on gases/liquids used, if any 
  • Confirmation that you will comply with Workcover/WH&S regulations, where appropriate. 
  • Job Safety Analysis – completed and signed ISA
  • All exhibits must, where they are not sufficiently stable as freestanding models, be properly secured to the floor or other structure.
  • Floors on exhibit stands must be kept clear of articles or substances likely to cause persons to slip or trip.
  • All electrical conductors must be properly installed by licensed electricians and adequately protected.
  • Any stand incorporating a demonstration or exhibits providing a potential fire hazard must be constructed in approved materials. This applies particularly to the immediate area of the demonstration where a non-combustible material such as asbestos-free non-combustible building board or metal should be used.
  • Exhibits must be positioned so that at no time do they protrude into the aisle (as a hazard to visitors)
  • All machines must be guarded to the Australian health and safety standard which is normal for its operation in an industrial setting.
  • Any person operating be fully attached equipment or machinery during the exhibition must hold the relevant certificate or licence as required by law.

Other points to adhere to are:

  • No more than one day’s supply of any dangerous goods shall be stored on a display stand or within the venue at any one time. All chemicals/gasses need to be secured and away from the public and all gases/chemicals need to be taken out of the hall each night for storage. Please advise RX if you require this service. 
  • All dangerous goods are to be stored in the appropriate gas storage cage situated on the Loading Dock. 
  • PPE and safeguards are also required, where appropriate 
  • A fire extinguisher and/or fire blanket may also be required.
  • No paint, oil, spirit, chemicals or other noxious substances shall be discharged into the sewage system. All such substances shall be collected and disposed of in a lawful manner 
  • Demonstrations should not be on the aisle frontage of your stand. There should be at the least, a 1 meter buffer zone (dependent on the size of your stand). 
  • All personnel should be trained in manual handling of gases 
  • Adequate ventilation on the stand is required, where appropriate. 
  • Forms and signs that need to be attached to the stand are: *Hotwork Permit - Welding, Cutting Demonstrations (issued by the venue upon receipt of the above information) *MSDS & Dangerous Hazard

Please see Admission Policy and Exhibitor Badges information in the Event Info section of the Exhibitor Manual.

All portable electrical equipment, appliances and leads used must be tested and tagged in accordance with the Workplace Health & Safety Regulations and Australian Standard 3760, 2001.

  • Any electrical equipment found to be untagged MUST be tested and tagged or removed from the venue immediately. New equipment need not be inspected or tested but must be tagged with the re-test date prior to introduction to service. (AS/NZ 3760:2001,24.2)
  • Power is to be split by power board. Double adapters are not permitted.
  • Lights attached to arms must be 2.7m from the exhibition floor and at a 45 degree angle.

Electrical Safety Audit and Testing & Tagging of Electrical items/appliances.  

An approved official electrical test and tag contractor is responsible for ensuring all stands comply with Australian Standard 3760. They will conduct electrical inspections and audit each stand that places an order for power at all RX events.

Why has an official provider been appointed? 
In order to ensure that each event is as safe as possible and compliant with WH&S and venue regulations, RX recognised the need to appoint a company to perform an electrical safety audit at each event. This appointment also aims to provide a cost effective service to our exhibitors that will assist in alleviating all concerns associated with the testing and tagging process.

How does using the approved contractor benefit me, the exhibitor?   

  • Ensure Safety, Save Time and Save Money.
  • Presently, the onus is on the exhibitor to arrange to have their electrical items/appliances tested and tagged every 6-12 months. Depending on the item/appliance and the venue the exhibition is being held at, the testing dates vary.  This constant testing and tagging is confusing, time consuming and expensive with the current testing & tagging cost being $8.80 per item.

The approved contractor will now be responsible for the following:

  • Inspection of all exhibitor appliances to ensure they have a current tag to comply with Australian Standard 3760 and that they are installed correctly.
  • Testing and tagging of any appliances (leads, lights, products) that are not compliant to the Australian standard (or venue specific requirements).
  • New to service “NTS” tags may be applied to new items if required.
  • Any failed item that needs to be repaired or replaced can be done on the spot i.e. extension cords/power boards etc – additional charges may apply for this service. In addition: exhibitors do not have to be present when this service is carried out (optional).
  • There will be less power trips if all item/appliance have been checked. 

How much will this cost?
For the first power point ordered at each event there will be a small fee applied (approximately $20 depending on the event and contractor). This fee is all inclusive and covers the checking of all items, testing & tagging of any out of date or new items. The fee will be collected by the official electrical contractors via their electrical service order form in the Exhibitor Tasks. Please note: Not applicable for GPCE Sydney/Melbourne. If testing and tagging is required please visit the customer service desk on site to get this co-ordinated.

Stand Power: All stand power will be switched off each operational night, except the last day of the event, where it will be switched off when the event finishes (for example at 4pm if the event ends at 4pm). All stand power will be switched on at 7.30am each morning.

  • Fire exits and emergency equipment must not be obstructed. You must ensure that portable power equipment is used for the purpose for which it was designed and that safety guard and dust collection bags are correctly fitted and used.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that any equipment or re-wired units comply with the venue regulations before they are installed on site. You must ensure that portable electric tools are used with the minimum length of trailing leads and that such equipment is not left unattended with a live power supply to it.
  • No electrical cables must be allowed to cross gangways, passageways and fire exits. All portable electrical equipment should have a current inspection tag attached, and when in use, should be connected to a Residual Current Device.
  • All electrical equipment, lights, appliances, power boards, leads etc used on your stand at the Centre must be tested and tagged every 12 months of the Fair in accordance with Australian Standard As/NZS 3760. This is a statutory requirement. Tags need to be clearly identifiable. However, new electrical items (eg. lamps) being displayed for sale and not being plugged in, and will be handled by visitors or demonstrators, do not need to be tagged. 

Please see Emergency Evacuation procedures and map in the Venue and Surrounds Section of the Exhibitor Manual.

  • Fire hydrants and extinguishers in the exhibition halls must not be obstructed by exhibitors, they are to be visible and accessible at all times.
  • Displays must be confined to, and canvassing and selling conducted within, space booked. It is a venue fire and safety requirement to have a minimum aisle width of 3 metres.
  • Work, Health & Safety officers will be present during move in and during the event to ensure that displays do not encroach on aisles and that visitor flow is not impeded by business being conducted in the aisles. Encroaching items may be confiscated without notice.

For events in venues that has escalators and lifts, only items that can be hand carried are permitted in guest lifts and escalators.

Goods lifts are available in some venues – and they must be operated by venue staff or approved contractors. When using goods lifts, pay close attention to maximum loading capacities. Safeguarding of lifts and loads is required to prevent damage to lift doors, walls and the control panel.

Please see Admission and Exhibitor ID information in the Event Info section of the Exhibitor Manual.

Proposals to use flammable gas and/or naked flames i.e candles on any exhibit must be approved in writing by the Venue Management at least one month prior to the first day of move-in.

Please note for events held at the Royal Exhibition Building, which is a world heritage listed building, naked flame is not permitted in this venue.

For venues that allows naked flames or other flammable items, fire extinguishers will be required on stands with lit candles. An exhibition stand will only be permitted to have a naked flame where it is part of their product range or essential for the demonstration of their product. Flammable liquids may be used as part of an exhibit display within certain guidelines. The flammable liquid manufacturer will need to provide an MSDS in order to get approval from the venue. If you have any doubt about the appliance you plan to use, contact the Operations team at RX. 

Fire extinguishers and venue firefighting equipment must be visible and accessible at all times and must not be removed from their correct location. Display stands/materials must not obscure or hinder access to firefighting equipment. All electrical equipment including lights, appliances, powerboards, leads etc used on your stand at all exhibitions must be tested and tagged in accordance with the Australian standard 3760-2000. This is a statutory requirement. All tags need to be clearly identifiable. Should the construction of a stand create a potential smoke lock area or create an area not serviceable by the existing sprinkler systems, the Venue Management may require the exhibitor to install a smoke detection or sprinkler system, emergency and exit lighting and exit systems on their stand. Materials used for your stand display must be kept clean of lights & electrical leads. DO NOT wrap anything around these leads, as this is a fire hazard.

Any materials used for stand construction or display purposes must conform to the following standards: Non-combustible material, inherently non-flammable material, flame-proof fabric, self-extinguishing plastic material plywood, hardwood, pulp board or fiberboard rendered flame-resistant by a process of impregnation acceptable to the authorities. Crepe paper, corrugated cardboard, straw, untreated hessian or PVC sheet (except on floors as a protective membrane) is strictly forbidden. Sawdust tan bark or wood chips of a reasonable size may be used to decorate floors provided a protective membrane is laid first and chips are kept slightly moist at all times.

  • Materials used for lining, drapes backdrops, blinds or overhead structures, signs and banners or similar items in displays must be rendered non-flammable - ie with a flammability index of greater than 6 (AS/NZ 1530.3:1999).
  • Unless treated, to this standard, readily flammable materials are strictly prohibited. Such materials include crepe paper, corrugated cardboard, plastic, styrene, hessian, loose straw, hay, leaves.
  • Flame retardant coatings must: be certified by the manufacturer for use on the material to achieve the required indices; include a label with the name of the manufacturer, trade name, name of applicator, date, flammability index, spread of flame and smoke developed indices and approved method of cleaning. This needs to be available to be provided on request with all information and documentation to the event's Operation Manager.
    Note: These flammability regulations apply to materials used in displays, not to products being displayed for sale.

Please see Event Info > Venue and Surrounds Section of the Exhibitor Manual.

  • All raised floors, steps and ramps within exhibits must comply with the relevant sections of the Building Code of Australia. Any raised floor sections must be clearly distinguishable from areas of the surrounding floor space.
  • All raised floors up to 115mm will require a suitable and clearly distinguishable ramp from the main exhibition floor. The ramp must be of a gradient no less than 1 to 3 and must be contained within the contracted stand space. Ramps cannot protrude into the nominated aisle way.
  • All raised floors with a height greater than 115mm but less than 190mm from the main exhibition floor level or surrounding platform will be regarded as a step and generally will not require a ramp. However, an approved stair nosing must be installed as per requirements for steps in public places.
  • The raised floor sections or ramps must not contain sharp or dangerous edges and must not cause a trip hazard.
  • Disabled access to the stand must be provided.
  • Rugs, cane mats, vinyl or lino flooring, tread plate sheets, 5mm clip flooring and carpet tiles over existing carpet all need to have edges tapped down to the existing carpeted surface. A 50mm heavy duty tape or gaffer type tape is advisable.
  • Access must be available for power supply to the distribution board located from the pit on some stands, this must be factored into the design of a stand with flooring of any type.
  • To protect floor surfaces, please ensure that any adhesive tape used on the exhibition hall floors is removed without causing damage. Costs may be incurred in the event of damage or if additional cleaning is required to remove floor markings.

Exhibitors and contractors (display contractors, technicians & tradespeople) must wear covered footwear at all times during move in and move out.

Exhibitors and contractors using ladders during construction of a stand must not stand on the top step of the ladder at any time as this is a WH&S hazard. Chairs, crates or boxes may not be used as a substitute for ladders.

Forklifts are only to be used by the Official show contractors. Work areas and exits should be maintained free from general waste and packaging materials, which could hazard operatives. Packing cases must not be allowed to obstruct gangways, passageways and fire exits. Nails etc. must not be left protruding from any packing case or material. All packing cases and materials must be removed from the exhibition hall as soon as possible. All equipment must be regularly serviced and inspected - all statutory testing and examination requirements.

All lights must comply with venue regulations and will be inspected by our electrical contractor. Any equipment not approved must be replaced.

  • RX together with the official electrical supplier and Australia’s leading venue operators are all committed to a safe working environment. Electrical and lighting safety is a key focus. The risks to everyone involved in the event and associated risks of fire and impact to the environment have all stakeholders committed to reach a higher level of safety compliance to be in place. This will protect all personnel and allow visitors to the event to participate in a safe and comfortable environment.
  • A new policy has been implemented to remove any halogen or tungsten lights from our events. Please be aware of this policy and the requirement of using only LED lighting on your stand.
  • All custom stands and exhibitors providing their own lights or electrical devices will need to comply with the following:
  • Only LED lights will be approved for use, electrical equipment, displays, electrical cords, power boards, laptop charges etc must be tested and tagged prior to the exhibition opening and a safety check will be completed onsite at the show by authorized safety auditors.
  • All lights attached to arms must be 2.7 metres from the exhibitor floor and sit on a 45 degree angle.
  • LED lights are provided if you have shell scheme. Please see Stand Guidelines & Inclusion for your package inclusions. Lights will be fitted on a continuous track. For any additional lighting please complete the Electrical form via the top right button [My Tasks|Exhibitor Hub].  On no account should anything be attached or wrapped around the lighting track.
  • Space only stands do not have any lighting included; these are to be ordered the Electrical form via the top right button [My Tasks|Exhibitor Hub]

Go-Bo machines & other lighting projections

To ensure the continual professional presentation of the exhibition, RX will not permit any sort of lighting or Go-Bo machines projections on any surfaces outside of your contracted space, such as into aisles, on venue walls or ceilings. If these guidelines are not followed, RX reserves the right to remove your technical system from the exhibition.

  • Get help with big jobs. Too many things at once can be a load of trouble.
  • Before walking under something, look up.
  • Never step backwards, always turn and look.
  • Be aware of forklifts, trucks and other moving machinery, the driver might not see you.
  • Watch your step in crowded aisles.
  • Dispose of waste properly.
  • Do not smoke in the exhibition venue.
  • A person must be appointed who is responsible for health and safety matters on the stand. The need to maintain the emergency aisle ways, as indicated on the site floor plans, must be maintained at all times.
  • Operatives should wear suitable protective clothing relevant to their job, which includes eye, hearing, foot and hand protection.
  • Work areas should be maintained free from general waste and packaging materials, which could be hazardous to operatives.
  • All parking restrictions and speed limits must be adhered to.

Disposing of any paint, thinners or other potentially hazardous substances in the drainage system is not permitted. Water-based paint is to be used wherever possible; please contact RX Operations Manager for suitable paint washing areas within the venue.

See Stand Power section.

Please see our privacy policy here

For Retail events, mandatory standards and bans of products are listed by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission which can be found here https://www.productsafety.gov.au/product-safety-laws/safety-standards-bans/mandatory-standards.

As an exhibitor you have an obligation with respect to the invoices that you issue to your buyers. Proforma Invoices must be headed as a Tax Invoice, your ABN needs to be included and it must be clear as to whether GST is included or not. All of the information on an invoice must be clear, straightforward, detailed and not misleading in any way. Terms and conditions of the invoice must be included.

So as not to disrupt buying on the floor, the PA system is for official or emergency announcements only. The PA System will not be used to page lost people or to call people to stands (which has come as a request from exhibitors).

Please make sure that scaffolding - including ladders and elevated work platforms used for any construction activity within the venue - is compliant with work, health and safety regulations. Please complete the Working at heights form before coming onsite.

Uniformed security guards will be on duty during the total period of the exhibition, including move-in and move-out periods. Exhibitors holding functions on their stand must notify RX to gain approval and may be required to book security guards to ensure other exhibitor's stands are not interfered with. Should you require security on your stand for functions please contact the event's Operations Manager.

Site Induction is required in certain venues for exhibitors building their own stands or their contractors. Please use below list for details. 

For events at MCEC, this is the induction link: https://mcec.com.au/site-induction

For events at ICC Sydney, please contact your Operations Manager for details. 

Site Induction not required at QME. 

Please observe all smoking rules and policy of the event's venue. Smoking is not allowed inside the venue and there may be designated smoking areas outside on the grounds. 

It is a condition of your contractual agreement with RX that you uphold the non-smoking policies of the venues in which events are held. This means ensuring that you, your staff and your customers observe the non-smoking policy. Failure to do so will expose RX, your organisation and you personally, to the risk of claims for damages by persons claiming to be affected by cigarette smoke. RX will not be responsible for any breaches of this policy resulting from the failure to enforce it. The contract that you enter into with RX now includes a clause indemnifying RX against claims as a result of your actions/or failure to act on the non-smoking policy.

Smoking within the venue during move-in and move-out is also prohibited. Substantial fines will be issued by authorities.

Generally, all stand power will be switched off half hour after the show closes each night, and on the last day of the event, it will be also switched off half hour after the event ends. All stand power will be switched on 1 hour before show opens each morning. 

The Exhibitor Supplier/Contractor will refrain from placing an undue burden on the Official Exhibition Contractors, especially by not interfering in any way with the Official Exhibition Contractors' work.

The Exhibitor Supplier/Contractor will not solicit business on the show floor at anytime including installation, during the show, and dismantling.

The Exhibitor Supplier/Contractor will remove all stand construction materials from the venue prior to the fair opening. No materials are to be stored on site.

Please see Admission Policy and Exhibitor Badges information in the Event Info section of the Exhibitor Manual.

Exhibitors are reminded to observe any regulations regarding the use of Trade Union Labour, which may be in force within the venue. 

Please see Admission and Exhibitor ID section within Event Info of this manual for more information. 

Based on the details submitted to RX, a Hotwork Permit will be issed on site for your demonstration.

  • No person shall demonstrate or operate a machine unless he/she has received appropriate training and clear instructions; both in relation to the operation of the machine and their responsibilities to members of the public in both a normal and emergency situation.
  • Suitable, clearly visible and accessible emergency stop controls must be available.
  • All sources of power to and from the machine including electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic, should be provided with an isolator which should be switched off when the machine is not actually being demonstrated by an authorised user.
  • Adequate extraction or other equally effective methods must be provided for dust, chips and fumes. Where necessary, appropriate explosion release and fire prevention measures must be incorporated in this.
  • Adequate lighting must be provided both for the machine and its surrounding area.
  • Where appropriate, screens must be used to provide adequate eye protection to members of the public.
  • Persons demonstrating machines must wear adequate personal protective equipment where appropriate.
  • Where demonstrations are likely to create toxic or noxious fumes or unacceptable strong-smelling odours in the hall consideration must be given to providing exhaust to the atmosphere. If the demonstrations are of very short duration and at infrequent intervals, then it may be possible to exhaust above a height of 6m into the hall. If the operation under demonstration is normally required by the health and safety authoritative to exhaust the fumes to the outside atmosphere then this principle will apply in the exhibition hall.
  • Please arrange for bins to capture swarf, if required.

Send the application to demonstrate with above information to the event's Operations Manager.

Access to water supply is available but restricted for events held at an Exhibition Hall. Water is not applicable to venues that are not of an exhibition hall. It is crucial that all plumbing requirements are ordered well in advance of the move in date. A minimum of 14 days prior to move-in-date.

The Venue will provide required water and drainage connection points in the nearest pit or trench. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to arrange connection from the service pit to equipment as well as any requirement for self-contained sinks.

Drains are exclusively provided for the drainage of grey water. Using drains for the disposal of grease, solids, solvents, hazardous materials or organic materials is not permitted.

For events held at ICC Sydney – venue requires details of any receptacles containing 200 litres or more of water or other liquids 20 working days before the event.

Venue staff will fill the receptacles before the event and drain them after. Costs may apply for services including cleaning and repairs

RX Operations A-Z

For security reasons, exhibitors will not be permitted access to their stands outside the show, move in/out hours unless arrangements have been made in writing with the organiser. A list of staff names and the daily hours that they will be on the stand, outside the advertised hours, must be supplied. Please contact the show Operations Manager if you have any concerns or special requirements. For Operations contact please see Event Info section of the Exhibitor Manual.

Our travel partner OzAcomm can provide you with booking options for your flights and accommodation if required – Please see Additional Services section of the Exhibitor Manual for more details.

All alcohol must be purchased from the venue as they hold the onsite liquor license*. Exhibitors will not be permitted to bring their own alcohol onsite. Alcohol cannot be consumed during move-in or move-out. 

*For events held at Mackay Showground, please check Additional Services section for alcohol supplier details.

All alcohol and Food Sampling must seek approval from Venue.

It is important to secure permission from RX  and the venue if animals are part of your exhibit. In most cases an animal permit form will need to be completed – please contact a team member for further assistance.

AV equipment can be hired through our official stand builder. Please order via the top right button [My Tasks|Exhibitor Hub] or  see Official Contractor List in the Exhibitor Manual for contact details.

Helium balloons, confetti cannons or streamers are not permitted.

For events that allows banner rigging, please order via via the top right button [My Tasks|Exhibitor Hub] section or see Official Contractor List in the Exhibitor Manual for contact details. Please note if you are exhibtiing at QME, it does not offer banner rigging. 

Stand construction contractors must comply fully with all legal requirements that are relevant to their operations. This includes fall arrest equipment.

Please do not attach items/equipment to the walls or metal framework provided for your booth. Standing on chairs, tables and other rental furniture is PROHIBITED. This furniture is not engineered to support your standing weight. Only use purpose designed and built equipment, e.g. ladders, steps, etc. RX  cannot be responsible for injuries, falls or damage caused by the improper use of this equipment

Approved scaffolding or Australian Standard compliant ladders must be used during the construction of any building within the halls, safety features of the scaffolding must be provided as per laid down standards, and that any tower scaffold in use must be properly stabilised and propped.

A cancellation charge will apply to all companies cancelling after a contract has been signed. Cancellation charges will be calculated on due payments as stated per contract.

Canvassing or soliciting for business by non-exhibitors or unauthorised personnel during the fair is strictly prohibited. If you see someone canvassing or soliciting business please contact Customer Service or security immediately.

Please see Venue and Surrounds section in Event Info of the Exhibitor Manual.

Children 14 and under are strictly not permitted to enter during Move-In and Move-Out. 

Please see Admission Policy information in the Event Info section of the Exhibitor Manual for children policy during show hours.

Cleaning of public areas (aisles, foyers and amenities) will be cleaned before opening of the event and scheduled during the event. 

All floor areas that are accessible will be vacuumed on the evening prior to the show opening. If a stand is closed off with material, the cleaners will not clean the floor. Cleaning within your stand space is the responsibility of each exhibitor. 

Exhibitors who are likely to have substantial quantities of waste material for removal, either during or at the end of each day, must inform RX in advance in order to ensure that the necessary arrangements are made. Removal of excess waste material is at the exhibitor's expense.

During move out - any large items including; cabinets, stand build materials, flooring and shelving will incur an additional cost for disposal from the venue. If you are unsure about any of your rubbish, please ask a Reed team member.

If you require cleaning on your stand during the event, please order this via the official contractor – please see this event’s official contractor list for details.

Space only stands with raised flooring will only be vacuumed on the evening prior to the show opening. If you require additional cleaning please order this via the official contractor.

Compressed air is available for some events through our official contractors, please see Hire & Services section.  Please note that you will need to have a licensed plumber to connect these services, no discharge of any water and waste is permitted on the exhibition site under any circumstances. 

Please note for QME, exhibitors are required to supply their own gas or compressed air connections on their stand. 

Please see section Key dates and Times for Customer Service Desk hours and exhibitor access times.

Exhibitors using a freight service other than our official contractor will need to ensure couriers are instructed as per details below:

  • Couriers will need to supply the loading dock marshal with your company name and stand number
  • Deliveries WILL NOT be accepted before official Move-In Date OR during show hours
  • Exhibitor deliveries must be arranged for a time when YOU WILL BE ON-SITE. If you are unable to be onsite to receive your delivery you will need to instruct the courier company to deliver WITHOUT A SIGNATURE to Agility Service Desk or direct to your stand.
  • Agility will accept deliveries but WILL NOT SIGN FOR or accept responsibility for loss or damage of your goods.
  •  Delivery labels can be downloaded in the Operations section of this manual. Please use one label per item/box delivered.  RX will under no circumstances be accountable for or accept deliveries on behalf of exhibitors.

Motor vehicles or other mechanical appliances displayed within the exhibition areas must contain 80% - 100% of a full tank of fuel. They must be totally free of any leaks and the keys are to be handed to the Operations Manager. 

All demonstrations must be carried out in accordance with the Workplace Health and Safety Legislation. Any demonstration is subject to approval from RX and the Venue. If you are planning on using any of the following, written notification is required: filtration, open flames, snow machines, lasers, smoke machines, running of combustion engines, flammable substances, welding, cutting equipment, drilling or grinding, dangerous, explosive or noxious substances.

Details we require are:

• A description of what is being demonstrated, length and frequency of demonstration 

• MSDS on gases/liquids used, if any 

• Confirmation that you will comply with Workcover/WHS regulations, where appropriate. 

• Job Safety Analysis – completed and signed ISA

• All exhibits must, where they are not sufficiently stable as freestanding models, be properly secured to the floor or other structure.

• Floors on exhibit stands must be kept clear of articles or substances likely to cause persons to slip or trip.

• All electrical conductors must be properly installed by licensed electricians and adequately protected.

• Any stand incorporating a demonstration or exhibits providing a potential fire hazard must be constructed in approved materials. This applies particularly to the immediate area of the demonstration where a non-combustible material such as asbestos-free non-combustible building board or metal should be used.

• Exhibits must be positioned so that at no time do they protrude into the aisle (as a hazard to visitors)

• All machines must be guarded to the Australian health and safety standard which is normal for its operation in an industrial setting.

• Any person operating be fully attached equipment or machinery during the exhibition must hold the relevant certificate or licence as required by law.

Other points to adhere to are:

• No more than one day’s supply of any dangerous goods shall be stored on a display stand or within the venue at any one time. All chemicals/gasses need to be secured and away from the public and all gases/chemicals need to be taken out of the hall each night for storage. Please advise RX if you require this service. 

• All dangerous goods are to be stored in the appropriate gas storage cage situated on the Loading Dock. 

• PPE and safeguards are also required, where appropriate 

• A fire extinguisher and/or fire blanket may also be required.

• No paint, oil, spirit, chemicals or other noxious substances shall be discharged into the sewage system. All such substances shall be collected and disposed of in a lawful manner 

• Demonstrations should not be on the aisle frontage of your stand. There should be at the least, a 1 meter buffer zone (dependent on the size of your stand). 

• All personnel should be trained in manual handling of gases 

• Adequate ventilation on the stand is required, where appropriate. 

• Forms and signs that need to be attached to the stand are: *Hotwork Permit - Welding, Cutting Demonstrations (issued by the venue upon receipt of the above information) *MSDS & Dangerous Hazard

Please see Admission Policy and Exhibitor Badges information in the Event Info section of the Exhibitor Manual.

In the case of an electric shock, the following procedure must be followed

  • Make the area safe 
  • Notify Organiser & Security immediately 
  • Venue will contact an inspector to examine the area and give clearance for area to be re-opened

All portable electrical equipment, appliances and leads used must be tested and tagged in accordance with the Workplace Health & Safety Regulations and Australian Standard 3760, 2001.

  • Any electrical equipment found to be untagged MUST be tested and tagged or removed form the venue immediately. New equipment need not be inspected or tested but must be tagged with the re-test date prior to introduction to service. (AS/NZ 3760:2001,24.2)
  • Power is to be split by power board. Double adapters are not permitted.
  • Lights attached to arms must be 2.7m from the exhibition floor and at a 45 degree angle.

Electrical Safety Audit and Testing & Tagging of Electrical items/appliances.  

An approved official electrical test and tag contractor is responsible for ensuring all stands comply with Australian Standard 3760. They will conduct electrical inspections and audit each stand that places an order for power at all Reed events.

Why has an official provider been appointed? 
In order to ensure that each event is as safe as possible and compliant with WH&S and venue regulations, RX recognised the need to appoint a company to perform an electrical safety audit at each event. This appointment also aims to provide a cost effective service to our exhibitors that will assist in alleviating all concerns associated with the testing and tagging process.

How Does using the approved contractor benefit me, the exhibitor?   

  • Ensure Safety, Save Time and Save Money.
  • Presently, the onus is on the exhibitor to arrange to have their electrical items/appliances tested and tagged every 6-12 months. Depending on the item/appliance and the venue the exhibition is being held at, the testing dates vary.  This constant testing and tagging is confusing, time consuming and expensive with the current testing & tagging cost being $8.80 per item.

The approved contractor will now be responsible for the following:

  • Inspection of all exhibitor appliances to ensure they have a current tag to comply with Australian Standard 3760 and that they are installed correctly.
  • Testing and tagging of any appliances (leads, lights, products) that are not compliant to the Australian standard (or venue specific requirements).
  • New to service “NTS” tags may be applied to new items if required.
  • Any failed item that needs to be repaired or replaced can be done on the spot i.e. extension cords/power boards etc – additional charges may apply for this service. In addition:Exhibitors do not have to be present when this service is carried out. (optional).
  • There will be less power trips if all item/appliance have been checked. 

How much will this cost?
For the first power point ordered at each event there will be a small fee applied (approximately $20 depending on the event and contractor) . This fee is all inclusive and covers the checking of all items, testing & tagging of any out of date or new items. The fee will be collected by the official electrical contractors via their electrical service order form in the Exhibitor Tasks.

Stand Power. All stand power will be switched off each operational night, except the last day of the event, where it will be switched off when the event finishes (for example at 4pm if the event ends at 4pm). All stand power will be switched on at 7.30am each morning.

  • Fire exits and emergency equipment must not be obstructed. You must ensure that portable power equipment is used for the purpose for which it was designed and that safety guard and dust collection bags are correctly fitted and used.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that any equipment or re-wired units comply with the venue regulations before they are installed on site. You must ensure that portable electric tools are used with the minimum length of trailing leads and that such equipment is not left unattended with a live power supply to it.
  • No electrical cables must be allowed to cross gangways, passageways and fire exits. All portable electrical equipment should have a current inspection tag attached, and when in use, should be connected to a Residual Current Device.
  • All electrical equipment, lights, appliances, power boards, leads etc used on your stand at the Centre must be tested and tagged every 12 months of the Fair in accordance with Australian Standard As/NZS 3760. This is a statutory requirement. Tags need to be clearly identifiable. However, new electrical items (eg. lamps) being displayed for sale and not being plugged in, and will be handled by visitors or demonstrators, do not need to be tagged. 

Please see Emergency Evacuation procedures and map in the Venue and Surrounds Section of the Exhibitor Manual.

  • Fire hydrants and extinguishers in the exhibition halls must not be obstructed by exhibitors, they are to be visible and accessible at all times.
  • Displays must be confined to, and canvassing and selling conducted within, space booked. It is a venue fire and safety requirement to have a minimum aisle width of 3 metres.
  • Work, Health & Safety officers will be present during move in and during the event to ensure that displays do not encroach on aisles and that visitor flow is not impeded by business being conducted in the aisles. Encroaching items may be confiscated without notice.

For events in venues that has escalators and lifes, only items that can be hand carried are permitted in guest lifts and escalators.

Goods lifts are available in some venues – and they must be operated by venue staff or approved contractors. When using goods lifts, pay close attention to maximum loading capacities. Safeguarding of lifts and loads is required to prevent damage to lift doors, walls and the control panel.

Please see Admission and Exhibitor ID information in the Event Info section of the Exhibitor Manual.

Proposals to use flammable gas and/or naked flames i.e candles on any exhibit must be approved in writing by the Venue Management at least one month prior to the first day of move-in.

Please note for events held at the Royal Exhibition Building, which is a world heritage listed building, naked flame is not permitted in this venue.

For venues that allows naked flames or other flammable items, fire extinguishers will be required on stands with lit candles. An Exhibition stand will only be permitted to have a naked flame where it is part of their product range or essential for the demonstration of their product. Flammable liquids may be used as part of an exhibit display within certain guidelines approved by the Venue Management. Data sheets can be obtained from the Venue Management for LP Gas and general flammable liquids. If you have any doubt about the appliance you plan to use, contact the Operations team at RX. 

Fire extinguishers and venue firefighting equipment must be visible and accessible at all times and must not be removed from their correct location. Display stands/materials must not obscure or hinder access to firefighting equipment. All electrical equipment including lights, appliances, powerboards, leads etc used on your stand at all exhibitions must be tested and tagged in accordance with the Australian standard 3760-2000. This is a statutory requirement. All tags need to be clearly identifiable. Should the construction of a stand create a potential smoke lock area or create an area not serviceable by the existing sprinkler systems, the Venue Management may require the exhibitor to install a smoke detection or sprinkler system, emergency and exit lighting and exit systems on their stand. Materials used for your stand display must be kept clean of lights & electrical leads. DO NOT wrap anything around these leads, as this is a fire hazard.

Any materials used for stand construction or display purposes must conform to the following standards: Non-combustible material, inherently non-flammable material, flame-proof fabric, self-extinguishing plastic material plywood, hardwood, pulp board or fiberboard rendered flame-resistant by a process of impregnation acceptable to the authorities. Crepe paper, corrugated cardboard, straw, untreated hessian or PVC sheet (except on floors as a protective membrane) is strictly forbidden. Sawdust tan bark or wood chips of a reasonable size may be used to decorate floors provided a protective membrane is laid first and chips are kept slightly moist at all times.

  • Materials used for lining, drapes backdrops, blinds or overhead structures, signs and banners or similar items in displays must be rendered non-flammable - ie with a flammability index of greater than 6 (AS/NZ 1530.3:1999).
  • Unless treated, to this standard, readily flammable materials are strictly prohibited. Such materials include crepe paper, corrugated cardboard, plastic, styrene, hessian, loose straw, hay, leaves.
  • · Flame retardant coatings must: be certified by the manufacturer for use on the material to achieve the required indices; include a label with the name of the manufacturer, trade name, name of applicator, date, flammability index, spread of flame and smoke developed indices and approved method of cleaning; be provided on request with all information and documentation to the event's Operation Manager.
    Note: These flammability regulations apply to materials used in displays, not to products being displayed for sale.

Please see Event Info > Venue and Surrounds Section of the Exhibitor Manual.

  • A) All raised floors, steps and ramps within exhibits must comply with the relevant sections of the Building Code of Australia. Any raised floor sections must be clearly distinguishable from areas of the surrounding floor space.
  • B) All raised floors up to 115mm will require a suitable and clearly distinguishable ramp from the main exhibition floor. The ramp must be of a gradient no less than 1 to 3 and must be contained within the contracted stand space. Ramps cannot protrude into the nominated aisle way.
  • C) All raised floors with a height greater than 115mm but less than 190mm from the main exhibition floor level or surrounding platform will be regarded as a step and generally will not require a ramp. However, an approved stair nosing must be installed as per requirements for steps in public places.
  • D) The raised floor sections or ramps must not contain sharp or dangerous edges and must not cause a trip hazard.
  • E) Disabled access to the stand must be provided.
  • F) Rugs, cane mats, vinyl or lino flooring, tread plate sheets, 5mm clip flooring and carpet tiles over existing carpet all need to have edges tapped down to the existing carpeted surface. A 50mm heavy duty tape or gaffer type tape is advisable.
  • G) Access must be available for power supply to the distribution board located from the pit on some stands, this must be factored into the design of a stand with flooring of any type.
  • H) To protect floor surfaces, please ensure that any adhesive tape used on the exhibition hall floors is removed without causing damage. Costs may be incurred in the event of damage or if additional cleaning is required to remove floor markings.

Exhibitors and contractors (display contractors, technicians & tradespeople) must wear covered footwear at all times during move in and move out.

Exhibitors and contractors using ladders during construction of a stand must not stand on the top step of the ladder at any time as this is a WH&S hazard. Chairs, crates or boxes may not be used as a substitute for ladders.

Forklifts are only to be used by the Official show contractors. Work areas and exits should be maintained free from general waste and packaging materials, which could hazard operatives. Packing cases must not be allowed to obstruct gangways, passageways and fire exits. Nails etc. must not be left protruding from any packing case or material. All packing cases and materials must be removed from the exhibition hall as soon as possible. All equipment must be regularly serviced and inspected - all statutory testing and examination requirements.

All lights must comply with venue regulations and will be inspected by our electrical contractor. Any equipment not approved must be replaced.

  • RX together with the official electrical supplier and Australia’s leading venue operators are all committed to a safe working environment. Electrical and lighting safety is a key focus. The risks to everyone involved in the event and associated risks of fire and impact to the environment have all stakeholders committed to reach a higher level of safety compliance to be in place. This will protect all personnel and allow visitors to the event to participate in a safe and comfortable environment.
  • A new policy has been implemented to remove any halogen or tungsten lights from our events. As we enter the year of 2020 please be aware of this policy and the requirement of using only LED lighting on your stand.
  • All custom stands and exhibitors providing their own lights or electrical devices will need to comply with the following:
  • Only LED lights will be approved for use, electrical equipment, displays, electrical cords, power boards, laptop charges etc must be tested and tagged prior to the exhibition opening and a safety check will be completed onsite at the show by authorized safety auditors.
  • All lights attached to arms must be 2.7 metres from the exhibitor floor and sit on a 45 degree angle.
  • LED lights are provided if you have shell scheme. Please see Stand Guidelines & Inclusion for your package inclusions. Lights will be fitted on a continuous track. For any additional lighting please complete the Electrical form via the top right button [My Tasks|Exhibitor Hub].  On no account should anything be attached or wrapped around the lighting track.
  • Space only stands do not have any lighting included; these are to be ordered the Electrical form via the top right button [My Tasks|Exhibitor Hub]

Go-Bo machines & other lighting projections

To ensure the continual professional presentation of the exhibition, RX will not permit any sort of lighting or Go-Bo machines projections on any surfaces outside of your contracted space, such into aisles, on venue walls or ceilings. If these guidelines are not followed, RX reserves the right to remove your technical system from the exhibition.

  • Get help with big jobs. Too many things at once can be a load of trouble.
  • Before walking under something, look up.
  • Never step backwards, always turn and look.
  • Be aware of forklifts, trucks and other moving machinery, the driver might not see you.
  • Watch your step in crowded aisles.
  • Dispose of waste properly.
  • Do not smoke in the exhibition venue.
  • A person must be appointed who is responsible for health and safety matters on the stand. The need to maintain the emergency aisle ways, as indicated on the site floor plans, must be maintained at all times.
  • Operatives should wear suitable protective clothing relevant to their job, which includes eye, hearing, foot and hand protection.
  • Work areas should be maintained free from general waste and packaging materials, which could be hazardous to operatives.
  • All parking restrictions and speed limits must be adhered to.

Disposing of any paint, thinners or other potentially hazardous substances in the drainage system is not permitted. Water-based paint is to be used wherever possible; please contact Reed Operations Manager for suitable paint washing areas within the venue.

See Stand Power section.

Please see our privacy policy here. https://www.reedexhibitions.com.au/en/about/privacy-policy/

For Retail events, mandatory standards and bans of products are listed by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission which can be found here https://www.productsafety.gov.au/product-safety-laws/safety-standards-bans/mandatory-standards.

As an exhibitor you have an obligation with respect to the invoices that you issue to your buyers. Proforma Invoices must be headed as a Tax Invoice, your ABN needs to be included and it must be clear as to whether GST is included or not. All of the information on an invoice must be clear, straightforward, detailed and not misleading in any way. Terms and conditions of the invoice must be included.

So as not to disrupt buying on the floor, the PA system is for official or emergency announcements only. The PA System will not be used to page lost people or to call people to stands (which has come as a request from exhibitors).

Please make sure that scaffolding - including ladders and elevated work platforms used for any construction activity within the venue - is compliant with work, health and safety regulations. Please complete the Working at heights form before coming onsite.

Uniformed security guards will be on duty during the total period of the exhibition, including move-in and move-out periods. Exhibitors holding functions on their stand must notify RX to gain approval and may be required to book security guards to ensure other exhibitor's stands are not interfered with. Should you require security on your stand for functions please contact the event's Operations Manager.

Site Induction is required in certain venues for exhibitors building their own stands or their contractors. Please use below list for details. 

For events at MCEC, this is the induction link: https://mcec.com.au/site-induction

For events at ICC Sydney, please contact your Operations Manager for details. 

Site Induction note required at QME. 

Please observe all smoking rules and policy of the event's venue. Smoking is not allowed inside the venue and there may be designated smoking areas outside on the grounds. 

It is a condition of your contractual agreement with RX that you uphold the non-smoking policies of the venues in which events are held. This means ensuring that you, your staff and your customers observe the non-smoking policy. Failure to do so will expose RX, your organisation and you personally, to the risk of claims for damages by persons claiming to be affected by cigarette smoke. RX will not be responsible for any breaches of this policy resulting from the failure to enforce it. The contract that you enter into with RX now includes a clause indemnifying RX against claims as a result of your actions/or failure to act on the non-smoking policy.

Smoking within the venue during move-in and move-out is also prohibited. Substantial fines will be issued by authorities.

Generally, all stand power will be switched off half hour after the show closes each night, and on the last day of the event, it will be also switched off half hour after the event ends. All stand power will be switched on 1 hour before show opens each morning. Please note for QME: Stand power will be shut down at 9pm on move-in days, and 8pm on event days.

The Exhibitor Supplier/Contractor will refrain from placing an undue burden on the Official Exhibition Contractors, especially by not interfering in any way with the Official Exhibition Contractors' work.

The Exhibitor Supplier/Contractor will not solicit business on the show floor at anytime including installation, during the show, and dismantling.

The Exhibitor Supplier/Contractor will remove all stand construction materials from the venue prior to the fair opening. No materials are to be stored on site.

Please see Admission Policy and Exhibitor Badges information in the Event Info section of the Exhibitor Manual.

Exhibitors are reminded to observe any regulations regarding the use of Trade Union Labour, which may be in force within the venue.

Please see Admission and Exhibitor ID section within Event Info of this manual for more information. 

Based on the details submitted to RX, a Hotwork Permit will be issed on site for your demonstration.

• No person shall demonstrate or operate a machine unless he/she has received appropriate training and clear instructions; both in relation to the operation of the machine and their responsibilities to members of the public in both a normal and emergency situation.

• Suitable, clearly visible and accessible emergency stop controls must be available.

• All sources of power to and from the machine including electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic, should be provided with an isolator which should be switched off when the machine is not actually being demonstrated by an authorised user.

• Adequate extraction or other equally effective methods must be provided for dust, chips and fumes. Where necessary, appropriate explosion release and fire prevention measures must be incorporated in this.

• Adequate lighting must be provided both for the machine and its surrounding area.

• Where appropriate, screens must be used to provide adequate eye protection to members of the public.

• Persons demonstrating machines must wear adequate personal protective equipment where appropriate.

• Where demonstrations are likely to create toxic or noxious fumes or unacceptable strong smelling odours in the hall consideration must be given to providing exhaust to the atmosphere. If the demonstrations are of very short duration and at infrequent intervals, then it may be possible to exhaust above a height of 6m into the hall. If the operation under demonstration is normally required by the health and safety authoritative to exhaust the fumes to the outside atmosphere then this principle will apply in the exhibition hall.

• Please arrange for bins to capture swarf, if required.

Send the application to demonstrate with above information to the event's Operations Manager.

Access to water supply is available but restricted for events held at an Exhibition Hall. Water is not applicable at QME or other venues that are not of an exhibition hall. It is crucial that all plumbing requirements are ordered well in advance of the move in date.

The Venue will provide required water and drainage connection points in the nearest pit or trench. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to arrange connection from the service pit to equipment as well as any requirement for self-contained sinks.

Drains are exclusively provided for the drainage of grey water. Using drains for the disposal of grease, solids, solvents, hazardous materials or organic materials is not permitted.

For events held at ICC Sydney – venue requires details of any receptacles containing 200 litres or more of water or other liquids 20 working days before the event.

Venue staff will fill the receptacles before the event and drain them after. Costs may apply for services including cleaning and repairs